SIT Inspector Sampurnanad Tiwari filed a closure report yesterday in the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate Narender Kumar after giving clean chit to six accused, Prahlad, Vishan, Devender, Jitendra, Yogender and Ravinder saying they were not found involved in the murder of Shahnawaz during 2013 communal riots here.
Police had filed an FIR against eight people in Shahnawaz murder case.
According to SIT Additional SP Manoj Jha, clean chit has been given to six accused while the remaining two accused, Sachin and Gaurav who were killed by a mob in Kawal village, were found to be involved in Shahnawaz's murder.
Gaurav and Sachin were later lynched by a mob in Kawal.
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The incident led to widespread tension in Muzaffarnagar district and adjoining districts of Shamli, Baghpat, Meerut and Saharanpur.
SIT has also filed a chargesheet against five accused Mujassim, Muzammil, Nadeem, Jahangir and Furkan in connection with the murder of Sachin and Gaurav in which hearing has started in the court and January 30 has been fixed as the date for cross examination with the complainant, Jha said.