Justices S K Agnihotri and M Venugopal ordered notices to various officials, including the Tamil Nadu Chief Secretary and the Home Secretary and the DGP, on the appeal filed by M Ravi, father of DSP Vishnupriya, against the December 1, 2015 order of Justice R Subbaiah refusing to order a CBI inquiry into the death Vishnupriya in mysterious circumstances.
Vishnupriya was found dead under mysterious circumstances on September 18, 2015.
Alleging that his daughter's death was a case of murder, Ravi had earlier moved a writ petition seeing a CBI probe.
The government had ordered CB-CID probe into the matter.
Ravi contended that the single judge had failed to consider the fact that the investigating officer of CB-CID is also in the cadre of DSP and he cannot effectively conduct the probe.