In a letter addressed to Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Zeliang yesterday made an earnest appeal to ensure that the guilty are arrested and brought to book. He also urged Hooda to take all steps to prevent such inhuman acts.
Zeliang said it is a matter of great disappointment that people from the North East region were being subjected to such attacks. It is indeed a matter of immense concern that such acts of racial attacks continue with impunity, he said.
Stating that these incidents of hate crime deserve to be condemned by every right thinking citizen, Rio demanded that the perpetrators of the crimes must be given exemplary punishment in the greater interest of the country's unity and integrity.
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He said the country must win back the trust of the people of the North East and the matter must be approached as a grave national issue.
Rio said it is indeed unfortunate and sad to observe that citizens of the country were being treated and attacked like foreign nationals and enemies of the nation.
"In fact, the perpetrators of racist hate crimes must be considered enemies of the nation and punished accordingly," he said.