Naidu, who is very firm in achieving energy security/self - sufficiency in power sector, has set targets for expedition of various works worth around Rs 1,575 crore being taken up by the AP government with Centre's support under the IPDS (Integrated Power Development Scheme) and DDUGJY (Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyothi Yojana), Chief Secretary IYR Krishna Rao said.
Rao, who is the Chairman of State Level Standing Committee of AP for DDUGJY, disclosed these details while reviewing the progress of these schemes during a teleconference with Ajay Jain, Secretary, Energy, K Vijayanand MD/APGENCO and other senior officials, according to a official release.
"As a result of the sustained efforts of AP government, the Central government has sanctioned an amount of Rs 920 crore under DDUGJY and Rs 655 crore under IPDS, so far, totaling to an amount of around Rs 1575 crores, for infrastructure development of power sector," he said.
Under IPDS project formulated for urban electrification, the power utilities are going to take up strengthening of sub-transmission and distribution networks, Metering of distribution/feeders/consumers and IT enablement of distribution sector like establishment of online feeder monitoring systems and computerized 24x7 Customer Call Centers, he said.
K Vijayanand said the Centre is fully satisfied with the performance of AP power sector and has appreciated the efforts of the state government in maintaining the Transmission & Distribution (T&D) losses to a lowest of 10.35 per cent and further measures being taken up to reduce losses to single digit of 9 per cent, the release added.