The 67-year-old former India opener, Naik, was named the chief selector for the senior and U-25 teams with Karsan Ghavri, Deepak Jadhav and Raju Sutar as his colleagues on the panel, according to a statement issued by MCA. He is also the curator of the Wankhede Stadium.
Sulakshan Kulkarni, who coached the Mumbai senior team to victory in the last Ranji season, has been retained as the coach till March 31, 2014.
Chandrakant Pandit was named as the chief selector for the under-19 team, while Ravi Thakar was named as the under-16 team's chief selector. For the under-14 category, Ramesh Vajge
Was appointed as the chief selector.
Vrunda Bhagat and Arti Vaidya were appointed as the chief selectors for the women's senior team and under-19 team, respectively.