After surging 9.63 per cent to Rs 64.30 in intra-day session, the state-run firm's scrip finally ended at Rs 60.45, up 3.07 per cent from its previous close at the BSE.
On the NSE, the stock ended 2.90 per cent higher at Rs 60.30.
Marketmen said profit-booking cut short the stock's rally.
In terms of volume, 13.55 lakh shares of the company changed hands on the BSE, while over 52 lakh shares were traded on the NSE during the day.
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The company had clocked Rs 179.17 crore net profit in the July-September quarter of last fiscal, it had said in a BSE filing.
Total income of the company rose to Rs 1,996 crore from Rs 1,738 crore a year earlier.
Total expenses of the company rose to Rs 1,625 crore from Rs 1,599 crore. Tax expenses also increased to Rs 198 crore from Rs 83 crore.
Meanwhile, in the broader market the BSE benchmark Sensex ended at 27,940.64, down 68.26 points.