The aluminium major had set up the Gandhi Smruti Pitha in 2002 at an investment of Rs 50 lakh. The place was later handed over to the Puri-Konark Development Authority (PKDA) for maintenance.
Inameetingattended by local MP Maheswar Mohanty and Puri district collector Arvind Agarwal, Nalco CMD T K Chand agreedtoupgradetheexistingparkwithlandscaping,plantati on,musicalfountainsandlighting.
"Aconsultantshallbeappointedinamonth'stime in thisregardandtheworkshallbefinishedinoneyear,"Chand said in a statement.
Nalco would take cues from the Brindavan Gardens at Mysore,RamojiFilmCity at Hyderabad and GVK Industry, the company engagedinsettingupnewairportsinIndia.