"We will be helping to treble the capacity, including free beds strength at a cost of Rs 350-400 crore. The money will be used to add 600 more beds to the existing 350-odd beds. A good portion of the capex will be spent to add more super-speciality wings as well as to install state-of-the-art technology," Radiant Life Care Chairman and Managing Director Abhay Soi told PTI.
This July, the hospital entered into an operations and management alliance with the city-based Radiant Life Care, as the 64-year-old institution plans to introduce best-in-class hospital management practices, expand operations and transform itself into high-end quaternary care hospital with world-class treatment facilities to provide healthcare solutions, a la the Mayo Clinic in the US.
The new beds are to come up on the surplus area on the five-acre campus in the northern Vile Parle suburb. The hospital has additional FSI over 5 lakh sqft, Soi said.