Speaking at a function at nearby Pillaichavady after laying the foundation of Rs 100 crore Technology Training Centre (Tool Room), Muniyappa asked them to set aside their political differences and work for development of the union territory.
He said the UPA government at the Centre had extended cooperation to all states leaving behind political and party considerations for implementation of various schemes.
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"The UPA government is with you', he told Rangasamy, who was present at the function, along with Naryanasamy.
Naryanasamy was elected from Puducherry to the Lok Sabha.
Muniyappa also thanked the Chief Minister for making available a 10 acre site for the technology training centre.He also immediately sanctioned another project to train youth to extract fragrance from flowers and produce different scents.
The Chief Minister promised allocation of the site for this training centre also.
"If there is unity and joint initiatives, development of Puducherry would be easy to achieve' he said and requested both the Central Ministers to join hands.