Terming veteran BJP leader L K Advani as a father figure, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi urged voters at a rally in Kalol here today, to elect him from North Gujarat's Gandhinagar Lok Sabha constituency with a huge margin.
Praising the veteran party leader, BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi termed Advani as his political guru at a public rally in Kalol town of North Gujarat's Gandhinagar district today.
"I will always remain indebted for what Advani did for me. Even in difficult times, Advani showed me way by holding my hand. Just like a father, he also gave suggestions to me. Just like North Gujarat, Advani has a right over me," Modi, who was born in Vadnagar town of North Gujarat's Mehsana district said, during the rally.
"I am the son of this soil and you people raised me. I have come here today to seek your help. Advani's long public life is spotless and he remains dedicated to the nation. I want you to elect him with a huge margin," Modi said.
Modi's statement came amidst reported fissures in the relationship between the two BJP leaders. Advani had indicated that he wanted to contest from Bhopal, but the BJP asked him to contest from Gandhinagar instead.
Praising the veteran party leader, BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi termed Advani as his political guru at a public rally in Kalol town of North Gujarat's Gandhinagar district today.
"I will always remain indebted for what Advani did for me. Even in difficult times, Advani showed me way by holding my hand. Just like a father, he also gave suggestions to me. Just like North Gujarat, Advani has a right over me," Modi, who was born in Vadnagar town of North Gujarat's Mehsana district said, during the rally.
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Since Advani was not present at the rally,his son Jayant Advani shared the dais with Modi.
"I am the son of this soil and you people raised me. I have come here today to seek your help. Advani's long public life is spotless and he remains dedicated to the nation. I want you to elect him with a huge margin," Modi said.
Modi's statement came amidst reported fissures in the relationship between the two BJP leaders. Advani had indicated that he wanted to contest from Bhopal, but the BJP asked him to contest from Gandhinagar instead.