The 33-year-old actress has agreed to star in a new biopic titled "On The Basis Of Sex", which follows the life of the second ever woman to be appointed to the office of Supreme Court Justice, according to Deadline.
The film is set to start filming at the end of this year with "The Diary Of A Teenage Girl" director Marielle Heller in negotiations to helm the project.
Ginsburg, who's now 82, was born in Brooklyn in 1933 and is a graduate of Cornell University and Columbia law school. In 1970, she founded the first law journal to focus exclusively on women's rights and in 1972, founded the Women's Rights Project at the American Civil Liberties Union.
The film's script will detail Ginsburg's journey from law professor to chief litigator for the ACLU's Women's Rights Project to her appointment as an associate justice and the obstacles she faced along the way because of her gender.