The project, an adaptation of Erik Larson's 2011 non-fiction novel of the same name, tells the story of William Dodd, the American Ambassador to Germany from 1933-1937, and how he initially thought reports of anti-semitism were exaggerated while he lived in Berlin during The Early Years of the Nazi government.
But he soon became increasingly aware about the party's shocking agenda, and after attempting to take action against the regime he resigned in December 1937 and moved back to the US, where he tried to raise awareness about the terrible goings on in Germany, reported Deadline.
Actor Tom Hanks will play the character of Dodd in the film. Hanks is said to be keen on attaching Portman to the role of Martha, Dodd's adult daughter who engages in a number of liaisons with a number of Nazi officials including head of the Gestapo - the official secret police of Nazi Germany - Rudolf Diels.