The sequel will bring both the superheroes --Superman and Batman-- together. Directed by Zack Snyder, the film will mark the return of Henry Cavill (as Superman), Amy Adams, Diane Lane and Laurence Fishburn. 'Batman' is yet to be cast.
The Warner Bros produced film will begin shooting next year.
It was rumoured earlier that Christian Bale, who portrayed Batman in Christopher Nolan's three-part movie, would take on the role but Bale dismissed the suggestion. And now, Fillion, whose name was doing the rounds for sometime, too has denied being a part of the superhero franchise, reported Entertainment Weekly.
"I think I'd make an excellent Bruce Wayne; I think I'd make a terrible Batman," he added.
"If you wanted to see a particular person as Batman, I think one of the worst things you could do is shove it down someone's throat as far as the new director of Batman or the new producers of Batman," he added.