A total of 300 benches were set up to deal with pending cases ranging from civil to criminal compoundable cases as well as matrimonial matters, the Delhi State Legal Services Authority (DSLSA) said in a statement.
"On this occasion, DSLSA constituted 300 benches for all kind of cases i.E. Civil cases, criminal compoundable cases, Negotiable Instrument Act cases, electricity cases, motor accident claims... Apart from pre-litigative matters and plea bargaining cases in which 3,44,998 cases were disposed of and compensation amount of Rs 39.89 crore was disbursed," the statement said.
The DSLSA also said that two benches were constituted in the High Court to deal with the motor accident claims appeals wherein 82 appeals were disposed of out of 107 cases and a compensation amount of Rs 2.42 crore was disbursed to the claimants.