Top men's players Sharad Kamal and Soumojit Ghosh will be participating the tournament, K Shamini, Mauma Das and Pallavi Gahatak will be battling it out in the women's section.
Shayam Rajak, minister and chief patron of the Organising Committee, told reporters that paddlers from 34 states would participate in the six-day championship at Patliputra sports complex here.
Chairman of the Organising Committee, Sanjay Singh, MLC, said besides states teams, players from public sectors, including Petroleum Sports Promotion Board (PSPB), LIC, Bank Sports Board, BSNL, Railways, Airport Authority of India and Indian Audit and Accounts Department would be among 600 participants.
About 150 technical officials and umpires will be present to conduct the championship smoothly, secretary of the Organising Committee Mukesh Roy said.
He said 15 players from the state are likely to take part in the championship.