Singh, who was External Affairs Minister under Manmohan Singh, says the MEA was "demoralised" since it was run from the prime minister's office.
"What will be history's verdict on Dr Manmohan Singh's prime ministership? It will either be benignly indifferent or reduce it to a mere footnote. What will be Manmohan Singh's legacy? Sadly, there will be none," he writes in his just- released autobiography 'One Life is Not Enough'.
Quoting Winston Churchill's famous 'The morning was gold, the afternoon was silver, the evening lead' take on Lord Curzon, Singh says Manmohan's tenure could be similarly described.
"He (Manmohan) forgets no slight but is an expert at camouflaging his emotions," he writes.
"As far as Manmohan Singh's foreign policy was concerned, he didn't have one... Matters were made worse when the Prime Minister sent a former Cabinet minister to Japan as a special envoy, even though we had a senior Ambassador in Tokyo," he writes.