"The Centre has indicated a figure of Rs 1,010 crore as tentative allocation of funds under PMGSY for Odisha of which only Rs 300 crore has been released during the current fiscal," Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik said in a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi today.
Demanding increase in the allocation to Rs 2,000 crore for the 2014-15 fiscal, Patnaik said out of a total of Rs 17,814.25 crore sanctioned by the Union Rural Development Ministry since the inception of the scheme, it has so far released Rs 11,633.02 crore.
Since there are ongoing works of around Rs 3,200 crore and another Rs 1,500 crore of works are in the tender process, Patnaik said allocation of Rs 1,010 crore made by the ministry during the current fiscal will not be sufficient.