The new system while reducing the burden for patients by digitally saving their records will also facilitate in maintaining the daily stock and consumption of medicines and drugs used in naval hospitals.
"The application automates all patient processes from admission to discharge, and maintain complete medical records in digital format, thus removing the need for hardcopies," Navy Chief Admiral Nirmal Verma said after unveiling the NHIMS here.
By enabling quick access to the patient records, the NHIMS will aid speedy diagnosis and reduce the waiting period of patients.
The system has been developed in collaboration with Wipro with a budget of Rs 2.9 crore.
On training the Naval personnel for the new system, Vice Admiral A C Anand, Director General Medical Services, Navy said "for the next few years Wipro will provide its technical support in maintaining the system."
He also said the new system will also help the hospitals in having a readymade data of their occupancy and availability of specialists.
"The concept is to maintain the health and treatment data of a naval personnel right from the time he joins the service. We call it from 'Womb to Tomb'.