A young Navy officer's creativeletter seeking permission to enter into wedlock during the coronavirus-induced lockdown has gone viral on social media.The letter begins with the fighter pilot seeking his superior officer's permission to "bite the bullet" and "willingly sacrifice himself" in peacetime."I regret dropping this bomb on you at such a short notice, but as you would agree, I intend to drop a nuclear one on myself and I realise that just like all the split second decisions we take up in the air in the heat of the moment, I cannot afford to allow myself the luxury of time to re- evaluate my decision," the letter reads."I have come to the conclusion that we might actually be able to get through the rest of our lives together, without killing each other. Our parents agree that in the time of a pandemic like this, that's much more than one could have wished for," the pilot adds in the letter sent to his boss earlier this month.The young officer also wrote to invite his boss to the wedding which took place via a virtual interactive platform the next day due to lockdown restrictions."I officially seek your approval to willingly sacrifice myself in absolute peacetime, completely outside of the line of duty and follow you and many other brave men into this graveyard spiral of matrimony," the pilot wrote.Approving the application, the commanding officer wrote back to laud the young officer's flying skills."All great things have to finally come to an end. Welcome to Hell," was his parting shot to the pilot who was about to start his marital life.