The accused Shivshankar Kavde, was held from Farsgaon police station limits while he was carrying ammunitions from Farsgaon to Badedongar this afternoon, Kondagaon Additional Superintendent of Police Surjit Atri told PTI.
Based on a tip-off, he was intercepted by a team of local police at Bheemabhat square. Seventy rounds of 12 bore guns and Rs 58,000 were recovered from his possession, Atri said.
A native of Bandapal village of neighbouring Kanker district, Shivshankar was staying in Badedongar area of Kondagaon, police said.
Notably, the state police had last month busted a Maoist urban support network recently with the arrest of nine persons, including two businessmen.
All the arrested alleged naxal conduits belong to naxal-affected Kanker district and were directly or indirectly working for Prabhakar, who allegedly handles a key supply channel of Maoist in Bastar, police sources said.