Specially made for Goering, the cigars were taken from the cellars of the Reichsmarschall's home in Brandenburg.
The cigar boxes bear the words "Sondernfertigung Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering", which means "Specially made for Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering".
A private vendor, who inherited the cigars from a relative, is putting them up for auction today in Lincoln, BBC News reported.
The cigars are expected to fetch between 800 pounds and 1,200 pounds, according to auctioneer Golding Young and Mawer.
Also Read
In 1941, Hitler designated Goering as his successor and deputy in all his offices. However, Goering's standing with Hitler was greatly reduced by 1942.
After the Second World War, Goering was convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg Trials.
Goering killed himself in 1946 the night before he was due to be hanged as a war criminal.