Special CBI Judge Swarana Kanta Sharma issued the NBWs against them after CBI's investigating officer (IO) said they were evading arrest in the case and were required to be interrogated to unearth the entire conspiracy.
"Having heard senior public prosecutor for CBI, the IO of the case and having regard to the facts and circumstances of the case that the accused persons are evading arrest, I deem it appropriate to order issuance of NBWs against both the accused persons (Singal and Totlani)," the judge said.
The agency also claimed that Singal and Totlani were required to be confronted with other co-accused persons who were arrested in the case and are presently in CBI's custody.
It said that the ongoing probe into the case would be seriously prejudiced if these two accused were not confronted with the other co-accused.
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After hearing the submissions of CBI, the court issued the NBWs against both the accused.
The judge had yesterday dismissed the anticipatory bail plea of Singal observing that the offence alleged in the case was serious in nature as it involves huge amount of public money.