Replying to a question of NC MLA Rachpal Singh in the Assembly, Minister of state for Power Vikar Rasool said, during his visit to Kalakote, the Chief Minister had agreed to consider the demand for setting up a sub-division of the Power Development Department in the area.
The demand was examined and it has been found that Kalakote area has meagre consumer base and the move is not feasible, he said.
Unsatisfied with the reply, Singh alleged that departmental officials were misleading the Minister and in turn, the House.
"I will resign if I am wrong -- if officials have misled the Minister, then action should be taken against them," he said.
Speaker Mir Mubarak Gul directed the Minister to personally visit Kalakote and assess the actual situation.
Rasool assured the NC member that an enquiry will be initiated against officials for providing wrong information.