While NCP's Supriya Sule and BJD's Jay Panda were critical of Congress for "blocking" legislations like GST, the main opposition party's chief whip Jyotiraditya Scindia put the blame for the logjam on the issue on the government.
Congress wants an 18 per cent cap on tax in the constitutional amendment bill and dropping of the one per cent tax proposed on inter-state sales.
Speaking at the HT Leadership summit, Scindia said that the present GST bill does not represent the original bill brought by the UPA and made a strong pitch for having an independent neutral third party to decide disputes.
Sule and Panda said that while the Opposition have to play its role, it does mean it should always be "blocking" legislations.
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Panda told Scindia that while he supports Congress demand that one per cent tax should go but expressed disagreement with the demand the 18 percent cap should be enshrined in the Constitution.
Scindia, however, said that it's not about a legislation being blocked.
"It's about the government reaching out. Until some recent results came out, they had no conversation with the Congress in last 18 months. Till now the attitude was my way or highway. But there has been a change. I do hope that this change remains. It takes two hands to clap," he said.
During the interaction, Scindia repeatedly targetted the government on alleged intolerance while Panda felt that selectively picking up incidents from one particularly period and leaving those from ones' own is "intellectual dishonesty".
On the V K Singh controversy in Parliament, Scindia
attacked him for his tweet about "game of cat and mouse" in Rajya Sabha while Panda said there have been Cabinet Ministers even in previous governments, who had made controversial remarks about women.
Panda also felt that the attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi that he has not spoken out on incidents of alleged intoerance is "not correct". "He has spoken about it enough in Parliament and outside," the BJD leader said.
Scindia said that it is "legitimate" for the country to raise the issue of V K Singh's remarks on the killing of Dalits if "such derogratory remarks" were made by a Minister.
Sule disagreed with perceptions that her party is "tilting towards the new regime". All the three leaders named Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu as good minister in the Modi cabinet.