Police inspector Dhanaji Kshirsagar of the Wagle Estate police station told PTI that between 2008 and April 4, 2015, one Rajan Naidu had physical relations with the housewife (38) after allegedly promising to marry her.
After she pressed him about his promise to marry her, Rajan is allegedly threatened her and tortured her.
At about 12 o'clock noon, the accused around ten people reached her residence recently and beat her up as well as abducted her, according to her complaint registered at the Wagle Estate police station on April 18, 2015.
The attackers threatened the housewife that they would kill her if she complained to the police.
The police booked the accused under Section 376, Section 313, Section 452, Section 363, Section 323, Section 504, Section 506, Section 143 and Section 149 of the Indian Penal Code.
No arrest has been made so far in connection with the incident, the police said.