NCRPB will provide a loan of Rs 700 cr for development of six-lane elevated road in Ghaziabad in UP and finance the 29.7 km long Rs 5,533 crore Noida-Greater Noida Metro Project with a loan assistance of Rs 1,587 cr.
These projects are expected to substantially improve traffic flow besides reducing pollution benefitting Delhi and adjoining areas.
The Project Sanctioning and Monitoring Group of NCRPB chaired by Urban Development Secretary Madhusudhan Prasad today discussed projects, including the two costing Rs 7,838 crore and decided to support them with a total loan assistance of Rs 3,113 crore.
Two infrastructure projects in Uttar Pradesh will cost Rs 6,681 cr for which NCRPB will provide a loan of Rs 2,287 cr.
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Haryana has proposed projects 7 projects at a total cost of Rs 1,157 cr and will get a loan of Rs 726 cr.
The 10.3 km long six-lane elevated road with a single pier is the first of its kind in the country, being developed by the Ghaziabad Development Authority at an estimated cost of Rs 1,148 cr and is targeted for completion by the end of 2016.
Ghaziabad Development Authority intends to have a self-sustained urban settlement in the area duly connected to adjacent areas through express traffic corridors.
On completion of this project, travel time between UP Gate and Hindon Bridge is expected to come down from the present 50 minutes to about 15 minutes, a release said.
NCRPB will also provide Rs 5,533 cr for the Noida-Greater Noida Metro Project with a loan assistance of Rs 1,587 cr. This Metro line connects City Junction in Sector-71 with Depot Station in Sector 142.