BJP leaders Nandkishore Yadav and Mangal Pandey, LJP MP Chirag Paswan and the party's state unit chief Pashupati Paras, besides the Rashtriya Lok Samata Party (RLSP) state unit chief Arun Kumar participated in the 'Aakrosh March',
The march began from the BJP state office and raised slogans against the Nitish Kumar over deteriorating law and order situation.
As the procession reached R Block roundabout, the policemen prevented them from proceeding further using water cannons to disperse the crowd.
Addressing the gathering, the NDA leaders criticised the Nitish Kumar government over deteriorating law and order situation and claimed that incidents of murder, loot, dacoity and crime against women have increased alarmingly ever since the Grand Secular Alliance came to power about three months ago.
Charging Nitish Kumar with incompetence to deal with the grim law and order situation, they claimed that RJD chief Lalu Prasad was controlling "the remote" of the government and behaving like a "super CM.