Taking on the BJP, it said the saffron party obstructed Parliament's functioning and shouted itself hoarse against "false cases" of corruption involving UPA ministers when it was in opposition but has kept quiet now after its senior leaders were found "abetting a fugitive".
"They (BJP) would settle for nothing less than the resignation of UPA ministers to allow the country to function. In the matters related to Swaraj, Raje and Dushyant Singh (Raje's son), there are open and shut cases of violations of protocol and aiding and abetting the case of a fugitive.
The party also took to twitter to attack the government. "Saal ek scam anek," it tweeted, taking a dig.
The party's periodical charged the BJP with not doing what is right and instead of "pouncing" on Congress leaders to divert attention.
The government is answerable for the acts of their ministers and leaders and has to initiate action against them for their acts of violating laws, it said. "They cannot keep on hiding behind fig leaves.