Health Minister J P Nadda informed the Rajya Sabha that as per the data provided by National Cancer Registry Programme of the Indian Council of Medical Research, in 2014, the incidence of cancer was 11,17,269, and the prevalance 30,16,628.
The mortality due to cancer in the same year was 4,91,598 up from 4,78,180, in 2013, he said.
"The increase in the number of cancer cases in the country may be attributed to larger number of ageging population, unhealthy lifestyles, use of tobacco and tobacco products, unhealthy diets, better diagnostic facilities etc," he said.
He said that the government has approved a scheme in 2013-14 for enhancing the tertiary care cancer facilities in the country and guidelines for strengthening of the facilities were circulated to the states in January 2014 inviting detailed proposals for guidelines.
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"42 proposals have been recieved from various states includng Maharashtra," he said.
Replying to another question, he said that the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has informed that the Registrar General of India published a report on causes of deaths in India 2001-2003 according to which non communicable diseases are the leading causes of death in the country constituting 42 per cent of all deaths.
Replying to another question, he said that as per the rural health statistics, 2014, the number of public health facilities without own building is 35,389 out of 1,82,709 public health facilities.
He said that since the launch of NRHM, 30,499 new construction works and 32,535 renovation and upgradation works have been approved.