On a tip off from Delhi, the team led by the Commission Chairperson Deepak Kalra raided a home in Mansarover area last night where 27 girls and two boys, aged between 5 and 17, were found.
They were lodged in an illegal children's home run by one Jacob John.
The children are from various states like Punjab, Manipur, Nagaland, Jharkhand and were in the house for several months.
"The children's home was running without permission.The children lived in a poor state and they were given stale food. They did not have proper food for the last few days and were hungry," the police said.
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Another such child home was also raided and 20 boys rescued in Jawahar Nagar locality, they said.
The children were brought here on the pretext of providing them education were never sent to school and not allowed to go out of the home.
Jacob has been arrested for illegal confinement of kids and he is being quizzed, they said.