It also said the international legal framework on space security needs to be strengthened to enhance the security of space assets for all space users and to ensure the long term sustainability of Outer Space.
"India is convinced that the goal of nuclear disarmament can be achieved through a step-by-step process underwritten by a universal commitment and an agreed multilateral framework that is global and non-discriminatory", Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai said here.
Progressive steps are needed for the de-legitimisation of nuclear weapons paving the way for their complete elimination, he said.
Mathai noted that for over three decades, the United Nations General Assembly has voted in favour of a resolution, sponsored by India, calling on this Conference to negotiate a Convention on the Prohibition of Use of Nuclear Weapons.
He underlined that as a nuclear weapon state, India has a doctrine of Credible Minimum Nuclear Deterrence underlined by a No-first Use posture. "We have also supported a Global No-First Use Treaty".