While BCCI secretary Anurag Thakur has announced that India are set to make their 'Pink Ball' debut against the Kiwis during their home series later this year, the New Zealand board still wants to know more about it.
"India are quite definitive, which is quite exciting because they seem quite committed to the idea. We hadn't considered that would be an option, so there is a bit of water to go under the bridge from our side. It is certainly very exciting for us to potentially be involved in the first Asian day-night [Test]," Crocker told Stuff.Co.Nz today.
"Alphabetically, India traditionally sit next to New Zealand at these conferences so David would have no doubt talked to his Indian equivalent about the concept, but it would have been relatively fresh news to him as well because it certainly wasn't a discussion we were having when David left a couple of days ago."
According to ESPN Cricinfo:"Among the factors to be considered before a confirmation from the NZC were the stadium to be chosen for the match, its floodlights, the playing conditions, and practice opportunities available to the New Zealand players before the match."