"The government has put in place an elaborate ecosystem to support green projects and it is now up to lending agencies to help bring down the cost of capital and technology to realize the target of generating 170,000 MW of renewable energy," Tripathy said while addressing a Ficci conference on 'Green Bonds' here.
India has set a target of 175 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2022, which includes 100 GW of solar power, 60 GW of wind power, 10 GW of biomass-fired power and 5 GW of small hydro power.
He urged lending agencies, including banks, financial institutions and NBFCs, to take ethical responsibility for funding green projects by issuing dedicated 'green bonds'.
Tripathy enumerated various initiatives of the central government to make funding of renewable projects such as the 25-year power purchase agreement, establishment of escrow account, concessional excise and customs duties and setting up of a green energy corridor for evacuation of power, priority sector lending for renewable energy projects up to Rs 15 crore, home loans clubbed for rooftop projects, etc.
Ficci Director General Arbind Prasad said, "Green bonds are an attractive investment proposition with an opportunity to support climate-related projects.
"Thus, exploring the role of green bonds in the Indian market and suggesting a framework to develop the financial system would provide the roadmap for the Indian financial landscape.