"The government of India will provide Rs 30 million (NRs 48 million) assistance to the victims of recent floods and landslides in Nepal," Ambassador Ranjit Rae said during a function organised by Nepal-India Friendship Society here to celebrate the 68th Independence Day of India.
India has also arranged three helicopters and one airplane is on standby at the border for disaster relief operation on call of the Nepal government, he said.
The death toll in the landslides and floods triggered by heavy rain over the past three days has reached 85, Home Ministry spokesperson Shanker Koirala said.
Forty six people have been injured and 113 people are still missing in different parts of the country.
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Floods and landslides have affected 30 districts, nearly one third of the country over the weekend.
Surkhet district situated in the far west of the country, is the most affected area, where 24 people have died, Koirala said.
Today, 15 people including 11 injured have been rescued from Jajarkot district, with the assistance of Nepal Army and police personnel, he said.
Twenty five houses were swept away in Birendranagar Municipality in Surkhet district.
"We will ask government of India for help if required," the Home Ministry spokesperson said.
Two weeks ago the blockade of water in Sunkoshi river caused by a massive landslide killed 156 people in Sindhupalchok district bordering Tibet, some 90 km east of Kathmandu.