Som Bahadur Gaha was arrested from New Delhi railway station yesterday when he was trying to flee to Pune, they said. The couple were killed on February 14 and their bodies were discovered 12 days later.
The deceased were identified as Pavitra and her husband Rama Bahadur, who used to sell momos in Govindpuri area. The bodies were found in a highly decomposed state inside the washroom of their rented room.
During investigations, police found that Gaha was staying with them and missing since February 14. He was apprehended from New Delhi Railway station while he was about to board a train for Pune where his wife, whom he claimed he met on Facebook, lived.
"He told investigators that he had requested Pavitra for some money. When she refused, he strangled her with a rope. Ram Bahadur was not in the house at the time. He dragged and hid her body in the bathroom. Then he called Ram Bahadur using her phone.
It also came to light that he had deposited the money in various bank accounts. The robbed jewellery has allegedly been recovered from his possession.