Talking to reporters in Kanchanpur district, Nepali Congress vice president Ram Chandra Poudel said he was confident that that India would not change its Nepal policy because it has been successfully practicing democratic exercises for a long time.
"Indian National Congress's ouster from power in India will not leave any serious impact on India's foreign policy," Poudel said.
Meanwhile, senior Madhesi leader and president of Sadbnawana Party Rajendra Mahato has said he expects that "during the tenure of BJP leader Modi as the Prime Minister, the relations between Nepal and India will further deepen and expand."
India has always been supportive to Nepal's development endeavours and the assistance and support from India in Nepal's development works will further increase during Modi's premiership, he observed.
Nepal's political stability and economic prosperity is what India wants, he said adding, India's cooperation and support to Nepal will continue during the tenure of Modi as the Prime Minister.