The parents of the girl noticed the deformities of the skull and overtly protuberant eyes, when the child was just one month old, and approached various hospitals, which advised them to go in for surgery after one year of age, Dr S Venkatachalam, Anaesthesiologist of Medwin Hospital, told reporters here today.
They approached the hospital and the surgery was performed by a team of doctors comprising neurosurgeon and plastic surgeon for around six and half hours, "at a very much affordable cost", he said.
Stating that incidence of this condition was one in 2,500 live births, neurosurgeon Thomas Joseph said the surgery performed was Craniofacial advancement.
The ideal age for surgery was between one and one and half years and the only modality was corrective surgery, according to the extent of deformity, he said.
If delayed, it may lead to various problems like eye disorders, growth retardation and decreased mental functions, he added.