This was stated by Ranikanth in his counter affidavit on impleading application by financier Mukanchand Bothra in a case filed by Rajinikanth to restrain Varsha Productions of Mumbai, producers of the movie "Main Hoon Rajinikanth" in using his name without his permission authorisation or consent.
Botra, in his impleding petition while claiming that Kasturiraja had borrowed finance from him with a surety by Rajnikanth to repay it in case failure by Kasturiraja to pay the debt amount, had stated "when Rajnikanth is feeling that his personality is affected because of the usage of his name in a film, he is not bothering about the debts taken by his relation to whom he stood guarantee."
In his reply, Rajnikanth submitted that the petition filed by him against Varsha productions is nowhere connected with the application filed by Bothra.
He said "the said Bothra is the third party to the above petition and at no point of time he stood guarantee to Kasturiraja".
Justice R Subbaiah posted the matter for further hearing to March 25.