PEB Director Chandra Mohan Thakur, addressing a press conference, said, "PEB is holding Patwari recruitment examination from December 9 and 29 in 16 cities across Madhya Pradesh."
"On December 9, about 8000 out of 26,887 aspirants who were scheduled to appear on that day missed the examination due to a technical glitch in verification of their Aadhaar number," he said.
Thakur said that the aspirants who missed the exams will be informed about new dates through the PEB website adding that their roll numbers would be same but the exam centres may be changed.
He said that the test would most probably be conducted between December 21 and 27.
Thakur said that 10,20,000 candidates are appearing for the tests to fill up 9500 posts of Patwaris in state.
The tests are being conducted with the help of IT firm Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), he said.