"After Jammu & Kashmir floods in September 2014, we at New India Assurance received 4,505 claims, out of which settled 4,443 claims amounting to Rs 212.34 crore. Still, 62 J&K flood claims are pending with us whose value stands at Rs 6.19 crore. Most of these claims are either under dispute or without proper documentation," New India Assurance General Manager Rafi Ahmad told PTI.
In the case of Cyclone Hudhud which had devastated Visakhapatnam and its surrounding areas in October 2014, 1,264 claims had been reported, with total claim amount valued at Rs 739.21 crore.
"We are yet to settle 46 claims in the case of Cyclone Hudhud, with a claim amount at Rs 449 crore. A total of 226 'no claims' were reported in Cyclone Hudhud," he said.
"No claims" are those claims which have already been settled and have been reported repeatedly.
While Vizag Steel Plant claimed Rs 400 crore, the claim by Coromandel Cement after Cyclone Hudhud was Rs 140 crore.
"We have partly settled these claims in the cases of both Vizag Steel Plant and Coromandel Cement," he said.