The 17-minute video, dubbed 'Paris Has Collapsed', features the final words of the killers behind the Paris attacks last November and shows footage of the Big Ben, Tower Bridge and Trafalgar Square as well as British Prime David Cameron and House of Commons Speaker John Bercow.
The UK-related images are shown towards the end of the clip, which predominantly focuses on the Paris attackers.
Among those who carry out beheadings in the video is Bilal Hadfi, who was killed during the Paris attacks.
The video also features Abu Qital al-Faransi who is believed to have been one of the gunmen who opened fire in the Bataclan theatre of the French capital.
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As Cameron addresses the Commons in the clip, a message reads "Whoever stands in the ranks of Kufr (non-believers) will be a target for our swords and will fall in humiliation."
Aspokesperson for the UK government said: "We are currently examining this latest Daesh (ISIS) propaganda video - another desperate move from an appalling terrorist group that is clearly in decline."
It features all nine attackers one by one in locations with similar topography to previous propaganda videos filmed near Raqqa, Syria, according to British media reports.
The video ends with an encrypted massage dated November 16, 2015, which couls hold clues to the location of their next attack. The message uses PGP (Pretty Great Privacy) data encryption and decryption computer programme, often used by ISIS for encrypting and decrypting texts, emails and data files.