"We are moving away from the existing listing agreement to listing regulations. The listing agreement is an agreement with companies and exchanges. Now, it will have a force of regulations..There will be a hierarchy of regulations and will have higher force, then an agreement," Sebi chairman U K Sinha told reporters on the sidelines of a capital markets summit organised by the industry lobby Ficci here.
"The whole idea is to tell corporate India that we are now more serious about these regulations being followed," he said.
But the regulator did not elaborate on the punitive measures.
Sebi had earlier this year released a discussion paper on revamping the delisting agreements and to come out with listing/de-listing regulations, and had sought feedback on its proposals from various stakeholders.
"We are finalising new delisting guidelines as there are no trading in some stocks and promoters are finding difficult to delist the shares. We will announce guidelines under which delisting can happen in a fair way with investors' protection," he said.