Hosted by Australian chef and model Sarah Todd, the culinary show titled, "Serve it like Sarah" will showcase one of most popular tourist destinations in India through the eyes of a "local" and bring to the viewers some of the most exquisite and unique gastronomical delights from the state.
"I've spent a lot of my time in Goa as a local exploring my love for cooking by finding and using local, fresh produce. In my new show, I have explored new places, met new people and have incorporated my culinary quests into my style of cooking," says Todd.
"At Antares I wanted to create a place that had all of the elements of Goa coming together. It has chilled out Goan vibe, an incredible view of the Arabian Sea with a stunning sunset, with tropical house music playing from international DJs.
"The menu is a modern and casual one, designed to share so you can enjoy each other's company eating Australian food with an Asian influence," she says.
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"It is very relaxed and tropical. There is abundant seafood and summer fruits. This drew me to Goa and I have loved it ever since," she says.
Interestingly, even though her restaurant largely focuses on Australian cuisine, the menu is entirely built around local ingredients and is rotated as the seasons change.
"I scout on a regular basis for local ingredients at weekly farmer's markets and change the menu according to the season.
The series will show Goa in its "natural, raw beauty" as Todd will go about an adventurous discovery of hidden culinary treasures, explore its rich Portuguese heritage and experiment with the local recipes.
"I experienced a lot of interesting activities that regular Goa goers are unaware of - crab catching, drying fish, and knitting a fisherman's net.
"Besides culinary experiments, there is a lot of adventure on the show - driving around in a jeep, riding scooters, boats, and sometimes a Segway. This will show viewers the offbeat side to Goa," she says.