On the final day of a crucial negotiating round in Bonn, delegates turned to the joint chairmen of the UN forum for help in editing the unwieldy blueprint into a more manageable format.
The duo, Algeria's Ahmed Djoghlaf and Daniel Reifsnyder of the United States, promised to have a streamlined version ready in time for the next round of Bonn talks from October 19-23.
Crucially, these will be the final five days of official negotiations to prepare for the much-anticipated November 30-December 11 Paris conference tasked with sealing the long-sought universal climate deal.
The pair also announced that a dedicated "drafting committee" will be created to start work as soon as negotiators reassemble.
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As it stands, the text is an 83-page tome with contradictory country proposals on how to deal with the global warming threat.
Diplomats lamented the "snail's pace" of this week's five-day haggle, accusing one another of rehashing well-rehearsed positions and holding up the real work of point-by-point text bartering.
"We see very senior, experienced negotiators very frustrated because they are itching to get to the line-by-line negotiations, which we very much need to take place before we get to Paris," European negotiator Elina Bardram told AFP.
"The time for talking about concepts and general chit chat is over," he added.
The Paris agreement is meant to slow the march of dangerous global warming by slashing climate-altering greenhouse gas emissions from mankind's unbridled burning of fossil fuels.
The overarching goal is to limit average warming to two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) over pre-Industrial Revolution levels.
But there are fundamental disagreements on how to share out carbon-emissions cuts between rich nations, which have polluted for longer, and emerging giants such as China and India powering fast-growing economies and populations.