For its latest project, the BBC took a simple low cost brain-wave reading headset and, working with UK based user experience studio This Place, created a 'Mind Control TV' prototype.
It allows users to open an experimental version of BBC iPlayer and select a TV programme to view, using nothing but their brain-waves.
A first trial run saw 10 BBC staff members try out the app, and all were able to launch BBC iPlayer and start viewing a programme simply by using their minds.
However, Saihan said the technology was still at an 'experimental' stage.
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An important potential benefit that brainwave technology might offer is the ability to improve the accessibility of media content to people with disabilities.
For example, people affected by motor-neurone disease or suffering locked-in-syndrome may increasingly be able to use brain-computer interfaces to get a better experience of digital and media services than they currently do.
These sensors measure electrical activity in the brain. In the case of this experimental app, a user can select either 'concentration' or 'meditation' as the brain control mechanism.
If the user selects 'concentration', the headset and app monitors their level of concentration and a 'volume bar' of brain-waves is displayed on the screen, to visually illustrate their level of concentration.
Once a certain threshold of concentration has been reached, a message is sent to the tablet to perform an action - in this case, to initially launch BBC iPlayer.