Transport Minister Gopal Rai said that "the exam of second phase of the car-rationing scheme was difficult and Delhiites have passed despite challenges of hot weather and opening of schools, compared to the first phase."
The minister claimed that the compliance rate of the scheme was 99.6%, which indicates that people followed the odd-even scheme and people "made history" by following the fortnight-long car-ration scheme which ends today.
Rai said that after implementing two phases of odd-even scheme, we have two models - one is summer and the seond one is winter.
"The six-member committee, which was recently constituted to study the impact of opening of schools and hot weather during the second phase, has been asked to do a comparative study on first and second phase of the scheme. It has been asked to submit its report on May 10," Rai told reporters here.
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Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) has been asked to submit its report on pollution level from April 6 to May 6 so that government could get to know about the levels of pollution before and after the scheme, he said.
Rai claimed that during the second phase, the pollution level increased three folds in border areas compared to inner areas where it has gone down significantly.
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Refuting the charges that people are getting encouraged to buy two cars to beat the odd-even, the Transport Minister said that from January 1 to April 28 this year, 1,86,130 vehicles were registered but from September to December last year, 2,37,228 vehicles were registered.
During the second phase of the car-rationing plan, metro did 3,248 trips more and on average and 26.29 lakh people travelled by metro. About 38.46 lakh passengers travelled in DTC buses and 10 lakh in cluster buses (orange colour).
He said that credit of the success of the scheme goes to civil defence who were deployed on roads to look after the implentation of odd-even scheme.
He said that in the world, fourteen countries partially implemented odd-even scheme, but in Delhi, it was fully implemented here.
Rai said government is strengthening the public transport system by introducing new buses so that people won't have to face problems in the next phase of odd-even scheme.
He alleged that some TV channels are telecasting seven videos on traffic-congestion and seeing them, it seems that due to odd-even scheme, people are "facing a lot of difficulties" but "the real picture is different."
"When we meet people, they say that odd-even scheme is good but TV channels are showing different pictures," Rai said.