The upcoming movie is written and directed by "Looper" fame Rian Johnson and Driver will reprise his role of Kylo Ren, reported Digital Spy.
"It's great. It's similar to how The Empire Strikes Back has a different tone. For that people always go, 'Oooh, it's dark', but I don't know that it necessarily is. It's just different in tone in a way that I think is great and necessary but also very clear.
"He trusts (that) his audience is ready for nuance and ambiguity. He's not dumbing anything down for someone, and that's really fun to play," Driver said.
"Rian is coming into something that we kind of set up, and he just took it to the next level in a really great way. He wrote it too, and Rian's writing is so clear. I learned a lot of things about my character through his writing.