Speaking on the occasion yesterday, Chairman of the organising NGO, Jagdamba Samiti, Lakshmi Prasad said, "We aim to organise such events in future to seek suggestions from government officials and intellectuals to deal with the migration issue."
According to Chamoli-based NGO Uttaranchal Yuva and Gramin Vikash Kendra the rate of migration in region has gone up post 2013 flood.
As many 50 families from Narayan Bagad area in Chamoli district have migrated to other places following the natural calamity that ravaged the state two years ago, it said.
Uttarkhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat has already announced to encourage farming of traditional crops like millets (jhangora), pomegranate, cholai, chilli, lemon, apple and others to overcome the migration issue.
The government has also decided to give minimum support price and bonus point for such crops.