The National Green Tribunal has directed the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) and Deputy Commissioner of South district to submit a report on a plea alleging that illegal slaughter house and meat shops in Uttam Nagar here are causing pollution in the area.
A bench headed by NGT Chairperson Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel asked them to file an action report within two months.
"Let the South Delhi Deputy Commissioner and DPCC look into the matter, take appropriate action in accordance with law and furnish a joint factual and action taken report in the matter within two months by e-mail.
"A copy of this order, along with complaint, be sent to the South Delhi Deputy Commissioner and DPCC by e-mail for compliance," the bench said in a recent order.
The NGT clarified that the order of the tribunal is binding as a decree of Court and its non-compliance is actionable by way of punitive action, including prosecution, in terms of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010.
The tribunal was hearing a plea filed by city resident Bharat Batra seeking action against illegal slaughter house and meat shops at Uttam Nagar here.
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The plea alleged that these slaughter houses were causing pollution and discharging waste water in drains which was a health hazard for the residents.
It also claimed that these slaughterhouses were disposing their wastes illegally violating environmental laws.