A bench headed by NGT Chairperson Justice Swatanter Kumar gave the direction after the Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority in its affidavit informed the tribunal that these units did not have the consent of NOIDA, Greater Noida, Central Ground Water Authority, UP Pollution Control Board or any other competent authority.
"In the affidavit, it has been specifically stated that these units besides being polluting units, are also exploiting the underground water. This apparently results in water scarcity. In any case, law prohibits carrying on any units or industry acting without permission of the said authorities.
The forum has fixed the case for further hearing on March 21.
The tribunal was hearing a plea of Noida resident Vikrant Kumar Tongad who alleged that the underground water situation has reached critical dimensions in Noida and Greater Noida and there is also a serious water pollution problem there.
Before that, on January 11, the NGT had passed an order restraining all builders of Noida and Greater Noida from "extracting" ground water for construction or any other purpose.